The Light Side

Joseph Mook, Design Editor

I’ve been watching Star Wars since I was in elementary school, luckily, since my parents never liked the franchise, I managed to avoid the prequels for quite a while. “The Clone Wars” and the original trilogy were my only exposure to the Star Wars universe until “The Force Awakens” came out in 2015. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with Star Wars and, despite my immense disappointment in Rian Johnson’s apparent sequel “The Last Jedi,” I was cautiously excited going into episode nine of the Skywalker saga.

The critical reception to this film was… less than stellar, to say the least. This, however, didn’t worry me too much as I’ve pretty much lost all faith in critics when it comes to Star Wars movies after the reviews for “The Last Jedi” came in. Despite The Last Jedi’s unwarranted changes to characters that were established in “The Force Awakens,” purposeless new characters and massive plot holes, critics around the world praised the film for being different and standing out in the Star Wars universe. This came as a shock to me as the only thing that I thought stood out about the film was its prequel-level writing, but who am I to say that it’s ridiculous for a former child soldier to need to be lectured on the horrors of war.

“The Rise of Skywalker” quelled any doubt I had in my mind within the first 15 minutes. We are finally introduced to the Kylo Ren that we have been told about over the past two films. Released from the shackles of his master’s control he is now on a mission to find the newly resurfaced Emperor Palpatine. The first half of this movie is certainly jam-packed with new information. A feature that a lot of people like to call out when critiquing this movie. The problem with that argument is that it doesn’t ask the question as to why JJ Abrams needs to relay so much information to the audience in such a short time. Which is, of course, because “The Last Jedi” puts the trilogy on pause to introduce a few awful characters, run around a casino for a while and shove its tiny amount of actual story development into the last 20 minutes of the movie.

In fact, a lot of this movie’s problems can be traced back to the shortcomings of its predecessor. Rushed character development? Abrams had to make up for the time wasted in “The Last Jedi.” The Knights of Ren feeling like an afterthought? At least they were actually in this movie, instead of being completely ignored like they were in “The Last Jedi.”

The Rise of Skywalker introduces many intriguing concepts that have yet to be explored in the Star Wars universe giving us a glimpse at what could have been if Abrams had been allowed to direct all three films. We were able to see lightspeed skipping in action, a technique that was too dangerous for even Han Solo to attempt in “A New Hope.” We met companions who did justice to those of the original trilogy in D-0 and the incomparable Babu Frik. We were given further insight into Leia’s Jedi training, finally got to see Rey’s true power, and learned the nature of her connection to Kylo Ren. 

Speaking of Rey, a lot of backlash has come out of the decision to make her Palpatine’s granddaughter, and the decision to include Palpatine at all. While I understand that this is just a matter of opinion, I think it was fitting to have Palpatine play a big role in the sequel trilogy. He is the one who sets everything into motion in the prequels and the main antagonist of the originals. It is only right that the conclusion of the Skywalker saga puts an end to the battle between the Skywalkers and the Palpatines. Rey being a Palpatine makes sense when you think about her relationship with Kylo. As dyads, they share a unique bond through the force, as Kylo says they are “Two that are one.” With that in mind, it would make sense that they would experience the same internal struggle, both fighting against their lineage. They are two sides of the same coin. While Rey fights against the pressure of her destiny, Kylo fights against his past to return to the light side.

Despite its flaws, I see, The Rise of Skywalker, as a fitting end to the Skywalker saga. No, it isn’t perfect, but it is wholly Star Wars. From the epic lightsaber duels to the tear-jerking moments to John Williams swansong, Episode IX of the Skywalker saga is a movie made with Star Wars fans in mind and, in my opinion, is one of the best things to come out of Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm.